ISVD Krakow Meeting - Details

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ISVD Krakow Meeting Details - Poland - 12th September 2009

The ISVD 2009 annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the ESVP congress in Krakow this September.


For the full preliminary ISVD programme (Download Here)

We are pleased to announce that our "State of the Art" Lecture will be:

"The impact of animal papilloma virus research on the development of HPV vaccine including early and recent studies on the role of PV in carcinogenesis in rabbits, cows and dogs as well as immunological responses to PV's"
by Professor Slawomir Majewski Head of the Dept of Dermatology and Venereology, Warsaw School of Medicine, Poland.

The role of papilloma viruses is being identified in more and more lesions ranging from sarcoids to Bowenoid in situ carcinomas to pigmented plaques so this should be an excellent and informative presentation!

The ISVD day will be held on the last day of the conference, Saturday the 12th.
The morning session will be held concurrently with the ESVP. All delegates from the ESVP meeting will be eligible to attend this day as part of their full congress registration package. The afternoon session will be for those who have registered specifically for either the full ISVD day or the afternoon session of the ISVD. See below or top of page for Pre-registration form. The deadline for Abstracts for Brief Communications is June 1st.

Meeting Venue

Didactic Congress Center,
Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum,
31-530 Krakow, Lazarza 16 St.
(near corner by Lazarza and Grzegorzecka St.),
Krakow, Poland


Pre-registration is available direct through the ISVD:

Download Registration Form pdf icon word icon

Registration will also be available on site on a cash only basis –  all on-site registrations will be handled through the ESVP registration desk which will be situated at the meeting venue:

Wednesday September 9th 2.00 pm. – 6.00 pm
Thursday September 10th 8.00 am. – 7.00 pm
Friday September 11th 8.00 am. – 5.00 pm
Saturday September 12th 8.00 am. – 6.00 pm


Registration fees for International Society of Veterinary Dermatopathology sessions – 12. 09. 2009. 

ISVD sessions*

ISVD members

Non ISVD members

Residents and students

Coffee break
10:25 & 15.30

12:10 – 13:30

Full Saturday session






Afternoon session 13:30 - 17:00






* Sessions prepared and presented by ISVD: 12. 09. 2009. - see programme.